mercredi, octobre 19, 2005

un p'tit peu sur moi.. un pokito sobre mi

series one - you
Birth time: 10:10 de la am
Last place you traveled: Cuzco
Eye Color: marron hiper oscuro [dark brown :P]
Nail Color: regular
Height: 1.69cms
Zodiac Sign: libra

series two - describe
The shoes you wore today: tabitas azul c/celeste[my lovely skyblue tennis :P]
Your hair: negritooo..lo amo! aunq me encantaria fuese lacio =( [black i loo000oove it, but id like it to be more straight !!]
Your weakness: mmm los dulces!! =( [all that is sweet!]
Your fears: la soledad ( pero esa donde tas totally alone!!) [loneliness!! that one u r totallyyyy al00ne!]
Your perfect pizza: no m gusta mucho =S [ mmm i dont like it that much]
One thing you'd like to achieve: muchisimas...terminar mi carrera...viajar mucho..ser feliz[lots of things, finish my career, travel, b happy!]

series three - what is
Your most overused phrase: "...plop!" "...ja!" "...awww"
Your thoughts first waking up: ¿...debo levantarme =( ? [ do I HAVE TO wake up!?]
Your current worry: muchas..pero muchas..(looots of things]
Your plans tomorrow: clases n la u .. n la alianza..tareas.. dormir..dormir..![ classes at the univ, l'alliance fracaise, homework, sleep and sleeep]
Your best physical feature: chocolate....cualkiera que tienda a lo dulce..[chocolate! whatever is sweet!]
Your greatest accomplishment: ...

series four - you prefer
Sunrise or sunset: sunrise d ley!
Gore or horror: gore =p lol
Eastsiiiide or wessssside: esteeee mmm ??
Stripes or polka dots: rayitas [stripes]
Money or fame: ntre esos dos?... fama?
Planes or trains: avioncito [planes]
Metal or hardcore: mmm entre esos dos.. tons hardcore [between those? haardcore]

series five - do you
Cuss: de vez n cuando =P [sometimes]
Do you think you've been in love: mmm no ..creo [ no...i dont think so]
Want to get married: me imagino q siii.. peeero en eso no pienso ahora... lo veo hiper remoto. [yes but...not now:P]
Like talking on the phone: pff....demasiado! no solo por fono sino x cel!! $$$ [ i adore that! my cellphoneee!!]
Like thunderstorms: sips [yeap]
Play an instrument: solo l timbre d mi casa =( [nop...]
Workout: pffffffffff. naaa =( solo bici d vez n qando [not at all, when i have time : bike!]
Like reading: muchisimo! ( too much)

series six - favorite
Kind of fruit: sandia, manzana, naranja..tunita..melon...papaya..pera..etc etc =P [ watermelon, apple, orange, melon, pear...etc]
Music to fall asleep to: A.Keys - Butterflies...(L)
Time of the day: la nochecita [night]
Feature in the opposite sex:no tengo nada definido...[ nothing defined]
Number: 9 , 27
Thing to say when you're mad:cuando me aso...q es d vdd dificil.. digo d todo ... pero para llegar a ese estado d animo >=( grrr.. me cuesta! [ its 2 difficult 4 me to get mad! i can feel a little unconfortable but then all is as always i need a really real good reason 2 be mad]
Era: the 80s
Horror movie: gusta..pero dificilmente termino d ver una..soi hiper miedosa para algunas!

series seven - future
Age you hope to be married: mmm...weno si debo poner algo..24-26 aprox
Numbers & Names of Children:los que deban venir..con uno seria demasiado feliz...[the number i really dont care, just with one i d be sooo sooo happy ^^]
Your Dream Wedding: no tengo...[ i dont have one]
How do you want to die: tranquila, sabiendo que dejé todo bien por aca.[ in peace, knowing that i ve left all ok over here]
What do you want to be when you grow up:culminar mis estudios( d una vez!!!!) , viajar mucho, i sobre todo ser de vdd muy feliz
What country would you most like to visit: primero primero conocer bien mi peru..luego afuerita europa (francia,suiza, italia)

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Sometimes, even if you have the keys those doors still can't be opened. Can they?...Even if the door is open, the person you're looking for may not be there..